AI-ready EO training datasets (AIREO) Dataset specifications and Best-practices

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have great potential to advance processing and analysis of Earth Observation (EO) data. Training datasets (TDS) are crucial for ML and AI applications but they are becoming a major bottleneck in more widespread and systematic application of AI/ML in EO maily due to;

  1. Lack and inaccessibility of high-quality TDS
  2. Absence of standards resulting in inconsistent and heterogeneous TDS (data structures, file formats, quality control, meta data, repositories, licenses, etc.)
  3. Limited discoverability and interoperability of TDS
  4. Lack of best-practices & guidelines for generating, structuring, describing and curating TDS

This project established community-driven dataset specifications, a collection of best-practices and a set of benchmark EO dataset for AI-ready training datasets (AIREO) for applications of AI in EO. It is a partnership between CeADAR, Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) and the European Space Agency (ESA). For more details visit the project site