
First install pyomo:

conda install -c conda-forge pyomo
conda install -c conda-forge pyomo.extras

Then install solver which needed to compute solutions to the optimization models developed using Pyomo. Different open-source solvers do exist:

  • glpk: “GNU Linear Programming Kit” is a software package written in highly portable C for the solution of mixed integer linear programming and related problems.
  • ipopt:”Interior Point Optimizer” for large scale nonlinear optimization of continuous systems.
  • cbc: “COIN-OR Branch and Cut” is a mixed integer linear programming solver written in C++. It generally solves the same problems as glpk, but can run multiple threads, and is often faster and more robust.
conda install -c conda-forge glpk
conda install -c conda-forge ipopt
conda install -c conda-forge coincbc

It is also possible to use CPLEX linear solver, as described in this tutorial

Modelling basics

Key concepts for modeliing problems

  • Variables: Represent unknown or changing parts of a model
  • Parameters: Symbolic representations for real-world data, which might vary for different problem instances or scenarios.
  • Relations: Are equations, inequalities, or other mathematical relationships that define how different parts of a model are related to each other.

Pyomo s python libraries for describing optimization problems. This can be achieved through simple modeling process are:

  • Create model and declare components
  • Instantiate the model
  • Apply solver
  • Interrogate solver results

A typical Pyomo application involves the creation of at least two Pyomo objects from the following classes:

  • ConcreteModel() A python object representing the optimization problem to be solved.
  • SolverFactory() A python object representing the mathematical progamming software to be used for calculating a solution.

Pyomo model, is composed of additional set of classes used to specify a problem. These classes are

  • Set: set data that is used to define a model instance
  • Param: parameter data that is used to define a model instance
  • Var:decision variables in a model
  • Objective: expressions that are minimized or maximized in a model
  • Constraint: constraint expressions that impose restrictions on variable values in a model

Consider the following problem:

\(\begin{align} \max_{x,y \geq 0} &\ 40\ x + 30\ y & \mbox{objective}\\ \mbox{subject to:}\qquad \\ x & \leq 40 & \mbox{demand constraint} \\ x + y & \leq 80 & \mbox{labor A constraint} \\ 2x + y & \leq 100 & \mbox{labor B constraint} \end{align}\) where $x$ and $y$ are the rates of production (in units per week) for two products.

